More than a month ago, when it was clear that I was coming to California for a few weeks I got back into touch with a few people from here to see whom I could meet. Among these people was Tom Fowler IV, a professor for Architecture at Calpoly, with whom I was working during my stay there in 05/06.
He asked me if I wanted to hold a lecture about Architecture and Level Design. Of course I jumped at the opportunity and started to think about possible topics. Since most students were from the Architecture department and had little to no previous experience to making games I decided to just go over the very basics, explaining what game and level design is and what it’s goals are.
The lecture went well even though I was finished a bit too early and should have prepared some more in depth material. I was glad to see that there was lots of interest though since the (small) room was pretty much filled. I’m guessing 40 to 50 people.
Anyway, since the subject I spoke on is an interesting one I thought I’d like to try and write up a proper article for this blog sometime after I get back to Germany…